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By Veterans,

for Veterans

VetsBoats partners with the VA and non-profit organizations to deliver a healthy and rewarding experience on the water: we offer a shared connection for coping through participation, teamwork, and community. Sailing becomes an outlet for fellowship, mindfulness, and healing, helping Veterans cope with the long-term effects of PTSD and other traumatic injuries. 

Veterans and their family members gain what they need - whether it’s a change of scenery for silent, individual reflection, or participation in a robust community with the opportunity to become a champion of Veterans suffering similar issues. 

VetsBoats offers multiple opportunities - such as day sailing, saili training, multi-day trips - to positively impact participants’ physical and mental health. We encourage social and technical skills development and make sure Veterans get access to the benefits that they have earned from their service.


Experiencial Sailing

A much-needed re-set — Veterans experience the positive emotions that are generated when one is surrounded by nature while practicing non-judgmental awareness of the present moment. Click here to find out what you need to know before sailing with us.  

Restoration & Events

Bringing Veterans and their families together in kinship to enhance belonging. Wooden boats contain a life force full of resolve and responsibility — working toward their restoration is akin to the redemption of our comrades and ourselves.

Training & Education

An array of knowledge and wisdom — Veterans learn new skills in an environment with a familiar sense of utility, accomplishment, and fellowship that civilian life lacks.

VetsBoats sailing therapy veterans

Join Us

“This approach builds a restorative mindset and a sense of confidence in oneself and the collective community. This is the promise of the programs – Veterans helping other Veterans.”
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